7 May

LIVE on board!

As part of our Marine Ambassadors program, we were able to award two tickets for a whale watching tour with our partner OCEANO Gomera at the end of April. Shakti and Sikha were able to join us as Marine Ambassadors, learn about M.E.E.R.’s research and meet the marine mammals that so desperately need our protection. Both had fantastic sightings: a fin whale showed up alongside pilot whales and dolphins! Sikha wrote to us: “Thank you very much for letting me join this really wonderful tour! A big fin whale accompanied by jumping dolphins, another small group of whales, great weather, nice people and great information given with a lot of enthusiasm. Feel hugged by a happy Sikha”.

Great feedback also came from Shakhti, which she also shared with her friends, acquaintances and customers on social media:

“Thanks to the donation-based funded action of MEER.e.V. I was able to participate in a whale watching tour. The excursion was carried out by OCEANO Gomera. It was simply GREAT! Our small boat was surrounded by the dolphins for hours. We really saw a lot of them. We could watch them hunting, feeding and resting, admire their gorgeous movements and hear their snorting breaths. The extraordinary fast dolphins (they are called ‘common dolphins’, who made that up!!) were the stars in the bow wave of the small fishing boat. We saw the cute cozy pilot whales to the right and left of the boat for hours. And we also saw large whales: many even!!! A fin whale was there and also another species, maybe Bryde’s whales? It was great fun and I am truly grateful for it!”

In recent months, we have already been able to enable over 20 Marine Ambassadors to participate in a whale watching tour off La Gomera, helping our partner OCEANO Gomera restart after the long break due to the pandemic restrictions.

Collage by Ulla

We would like to thank all our supporters and donors! Through their help we are able to continue our important work to protect these wonderful animals and will continue to work for them with all our heart!