2 Aug

Now bookable: Internship course and adventure trip

The time has finally come! We are excited to offer two opportunities to experience whales and dolphins in their natural habitat off La Gomera:

>> Behavioural Biology Internship Course with a strong scientific focus and a professional teaching program:

A behavioural biology internship course will be held on La Gomera from September 17th to October 1st, 2022. After a long pandemic-related break, we are very much looking forward to a fresh start.

If you want to participate directly in behavioural research and are scientifically interested, this is the right course for you! Ideal for students, biologists, but of course also for all anyone else who is interested in the opportunity!

Book quickly, we only have 8 places available!

HERE you can find more information and the booking form.


>>Adventure trip accompanied by an informative program

An exclusive adventure trip by the Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) to La Gomera, in cooperation with MEER.

Come with us to one of the most dolphin and whale rich areas in Europe. Experience 10 days of responsible whale watching.

La Gomera is home to an incredible variety of dolphin and whale species – ideal conditions to observe and explore the animals. This trip is all about experiencing the animals live and reflecting on what you have experienced. A lot of background knowledge is added by an interesting accompanying program!

HERE you can find more information.