17 Mar

5th educational workshop of M.E.E.R. e.V. at the ECS conference 2017!

Berlin, March 2017.

We proudly announce that M.E.E.R. e.V. offers its 5th workshop in a row on the annual conference of the European Cetacean Society (ECS). It is a full-day educational workshop „Communicating marine mammal science to the general public“, bringing together enthusiastic people in the field of marine mammals and education. It is organised by Volker Smit (M.E.E.R. e.V., Germany) and his colleague Dr. Luigi Bundone (Archipelagos ambiente e sviluppo, Italy). The workshop is open to all, especially suitable for researchers, educators, science teachers, students and the media. This year, we will focus on protocols related to objectives and strategies of communication and fundraising as suggested by the last workshop participants on last year’s conference on Madeira.

All details, contact, aims and summary as well as the workshop agenda can be found here: Workshop web form 2017

You are welcome!

On the annual conference of the ECS experts of different fields present new scientific results and conservation efforts related to marine mammals. The 2017 Annual Conference of ECS will be at Hindsgavl Castle in Middelfart (Denmark), invited by the Danish Marine Mammal Society and the Aarhus University. The main conference will be on 1-3 May, 2017, workshops will take place on 29-30 April, 2017. This year’s theme will be “conservation in the light of marine spatial use”.

More information on the conference and the conference program can be found here:
