25 Jan

The next M.E.E.R. Workshop at the ECS 2022 in Israel

After holding none in 2020 and only one online conference in 2021, the European Society for the Study of Marine Mammals (ECS Conference 2022 – Ashdod, Israel | European Cetacean Society) will meet again from April 5-7, 2022, at least in a hybrid format. Our request to hold another of our successful workshops has been granted, so we will be contributing here again. The workshops will take place on April 3rd and 4th, with the full-day workshop “Arts as a Tool for Communicating Marine Mammal Science to the General Public” co-organised by MEER taking place on Monday, April 4th. This workshop will follow up on our December 2019 workshop in Barcelona in terms of content. In partnership with the Ashdod Museum of Art (The Center for the Performing Arts – תיירות אשדוד) and the Dolphin and Sea Center we will be exploring new ways of engaging the local community even more. We are excited and very happy about this development.