
Here you will find the most important news about our association as well as our projects and actions. In addition, we report about the events around the whale and dolphin protection off La Gomera (Canary Islands) and worldwide.

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23 Sep

Dolphins & Aquaculture

Canary Islands, Aug/Sept 2011. Fish farming as the main form of aquaculture nowadays is widespread an rapidly increasing world wide. It is praised as a crucial contribution for the nutrition of the world’s human population: aquaculture already represents around one third of the global fishery’s output. On the other hand, extensive environmental damage and overfishing of the oceans (every kilo of fish ‘produced’ in aquaculture consumes 3 kilo of wild fish) have to be put on the negative side of the balance. Rarely known are the effects of the fish farming plants on wild living dolphins – for instance around...
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23 Jun

MEER e.V. runs own channel on Youtube

Berlin, November 2011. MEER now presents its own channel on Youtube. We want to give you insights into our work and to pay homage to the beauty of whales and dolphins. Watch and enjoy the sequences showing e.g. striped dolphins riding bow waves, fighting spotted dolphins and pilot whales going crazy. Our collection is going to grow continuously from now on. Sequences of extraordinary cetacean behavior will be one main focus. More (going directly to the Youtube channel of MEER)…  
30 Mar

New: information on “ship strikes”

A new website (category) is dedicated to the issue of ship strikes. Detailed background information about the issue of “collisions between ships and cetaceans” is presented, including latest scientific results and recommendations. How do collisions occur? Which types of ships and which cetacean species are involved? How can ship strikes be avoided? These questions shall be answered, as far as the current knowledge allows it. The special case of the Canary Islands (where sperm whales are hit regularly) will be highlighted, and the same is true for the case of collisions between sailing vessels and cetaceans. Read more…
29 Mar

Radioactivity in the sea

Harmless?   Japan’s earthquake disaster shakes us. We are shocked and speechless upon looking at the power of the sea and the suffering of the people. We deeply feel with the Japanese people who have to stand all this and who apparently do so while keeping their countenance. But we are also shocked and speechless about the information policy of the Japanese Government and – most of all – Tepco, the operator of Fukushima’s nuclear power station. News about the condition of the power plants and the extent of the radiation is leaking much slower than the heavily contaminated water...
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1 Oct

Exceptional spotted dolphin sighting

Mysterious phenomenon La Gomera, October 2009. During the springtime field season we encountered a large number of spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis), a species present year-round in the Canary Islands. In one of the groups, containing a large number of calves (which is typical in springtime), we observed a young animal showing an extrordinarily swollen genital area. The reasons for this phenomenon were not known. Luckily, we managed to photograph the animal during aerial behaviours.
1 Jun

Sailing vessels – Study by M.E.E.R. e.V. produces worrying results

Berlin, September 2009 The worldwide increasing numbers of vessel-whale collisions are a cause of concern. For a long time it was believed that collisions between cetaceans and sailing vessels were an exception. However, the worlds first study dealing with this issue – conducted by MEER. e.V. – showed that such collisions are not irregular at all. The study, the results of which were initially presented to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in June 2009 and subsequently will be published in the IWC’s scientific journal, combined in-depth internet research with an international internet survey, where sailors could report and describe their...
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1 Aug

New Study: Collisions between Sailing vessels and Cetaceans

  Online survey on vessel whale collisions Berlin, Juli/August 2008 MEER has been investigating the impact of sailing vessel and regattas on cetaceans (=whales and dolphins). For this purpose, we are collecting reports of collisions and near miss events between sailing vessels and marine mammals. This study also relates to the work of the Ship Strike Working Group (SSWG) of the International Whaling Commission (IWC). The SSWG is currently developing a global data base, where collision cases with all types of vessels are collated. Any information on collisions of sailing vessels with cetacean shall finally – with the permission of...
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15 Jan

10th anniversary of M.E.E.R. e.V.

Berlin, January 2008. In January 1998 the founders of the project MEER La Gomera met on the small Canary Island to lay a foundation stone for cetacean research and conservation: They founded MEER e.V.. What started from the enthusiasm of a few people on the basis of a pioneer study on La Gomera’s cetaceans, after ten years has become an internationally reknown best practice example for ecological whale watching. We are happy to announce the 10th anniversary of MEER in 2008. May our work – always inspired by the extraordinary presence of whales and dolphins off the most beautiful island...
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